Single-Source Support

Every manufacturer knows the vital role ease of use plays in maintaining high productivity. That holds true of of machines and equipment, but we believe it's just as important when it comes to service and support. That's why Mazak provides customer support through a single-source approach.

We guarantee a phone response to any technical question within an hour through our 24-hour technical support system, and under normal circumstances, a Mazak service engineer can be on site to solve your problem within 24 hours. Our network of more than 300 Mazak factory-trained direct service representatives and certified distributor personnel makes this possible. Because we provide you with a single-source service system, Mazak ensures a quick and efficient response to all your questions.

With our single-source approach to comprehensive customer support, you benefit from:

Comprehensive Warranty

Mazak provides the industry's most-comprehensive 2-year warranty on every Mazak machine tool component, including our CNCs.


Our North American network of 8 Technology Centres and 5 Technical Centres includes more than 300 factory-trained Mazak service representatives and certified distributor personnel.

Expert Answers

We provide free technical phone support and software upgrades for the life of your Mazak machine and a guaranteed 1-hour response to any technical question via our 24/7 technical phone support system.

24/7 Access

Access your account information 24/7/365 through our My Mazak Service Portal.

Service & Support

MPower gives you single-source access to end-to-end support for the lifetime of every Mazak machine. Sign up for technical training, access phone support, order parts, track a spindle rebuild and so much more. Mazak has you covered from day one, and we're with you every step of the way to ensure your success.

Single-source support

Whether you want CNC training, preventive maintenance, laser calibration, vibration analysis or answers to technical questions, access every aspect of service and support from a single point of contact for quick convenience.

Stay up and running

Technical support

Mazak machines carry a comprehensive 2-year parts and labor warranty that includes operator training and much more – in addition to no-charge technical phone support and software upgrades for the life of each machine.

Access warranty coverage

Remote Assist

With time-saving remote troubleshooting, Mazak service technicians can show you solutions on standard mobile devices and identify needed replacement parts to speed up repairs.

Eliminate downtime